Sinusitis, Sinus Problems, Allergies, Colds & Prevention, Sore Throats . . .

Dr. Grossan
The Ear, Nose & Throat
*On-line* Consultant

. . . Prevention, Natural Cures, Drugless Relief, Avoiding Surgery . . .

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Drug-Free Relief of Sinusitis and Ear, Nose, and Throat Problems

nose and sinusitis problems

|[For Divers] | [Ear] | [Nose & Sinus] | [Throat] | [Miscellaneous] | [Frequently Asked Questions] |


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Check Out Dr. Grossan's new blog! A new entry each week.



Dr. Grossan is pleased to announce the release of his newest book:

Stressed? - Your Cure is in the Mirror.
Check out his new book here.


Dr. Grossan has new articles on
How to Wash Away Tonsoliths and Halitosis and
How to Use Pulsatile Nasal Irrigation for Sinus Problems


Free Yourself from Sinus and Allergy Problems Permanently
Click here for excerpts from the book.
Click here for to read a description of the book.

Would you like a free subscription to Dr. Grossan's Sinus, Throat, and Ear Health Newsletter? Click here.


What is Pulsatile Sinus Irrigation?


Frequently Asked Questions about Pulsatile Nasal Irrigation


nose and sinusitis section

Nose & Sinus Topics

  • What is the Best Solution for Irrigation?
  • Count the ways you can stop snoring
  • Allergy? Flu? Sinusitis? How to tell the difference
  • Rhinoplasty and Empty Nose Syndrome
  • The Ten Cent Snoring Cure
  • What is Pulsatile Irrigation of the Nose and Sinuses?
  • Snoring - Causes, Treatment, and How to Get a Good Night's Sleep.
  • Sinus Headaches
  • Post-Nasal Drip (a runny nose)
  • Sinusitis for Patients (A Drug-Free Approach)
  • Sinus Disease: More on sinusitis and other sinus problems (for health professionals too)
  • Empty Nose Syndrome (Look here if your sinus surgery went bad.)
  • What You Should Do for Your Allergies or Hay Fever
  • Seasonal Allergies Can Be Prevented
  • Help for Morning Sneezing and Hacking
  • Nosebleeds
  • Additives and preservatives in saline and nasal sprays. Do you use saline spray or saline for irrigation? Do you use nosedrops? Check the ingredients - the additives could be worse than the nose problem.
  • Snoring and What to do About it
  • Chronic Cough with Asthma or Allergy
  • Chicken Soup for Asthma and Allergies (check out the full article in the November 1998 issue of Coping with Asthma and Allergies).
  • Cystic Fibrosis and Sinusitis
  • New Research Suggests Ways of Avoiding Sinus Surgery (Wall Street Journal)
  • Do I need sinus surgery? An explanation of the latest surgical techniques for sinusitis, snoring, etc. (when to seek them and how to avoid them)
  • Is there a better sinus surgery? Computer image-guided InstaTrak® surgery.
  • Sinus CT scans - a new tool for sinus problem diagnosis.
  • Health Care Professionals or anyone looking for more detailed information might want to look at these pages.
  • Dozens of Articles are available which show that pulsatile irrigation is the preferred, most effective method of treatment for most sinus disease and related problems.
  • Ear Problems

  • TINNITUS: The Whole Person Program – Relief of Ringing in the Ear
  • Prevent and Reduce Hearing Loss With Magnesium
  • Outer Ear Infections -look here if you have itching and irritation on the outside of your ear.
  • Eustachian Tube Blockage
  • Tinnitus or Ringing in the Ears
  • What to do if you have trouble "clearing" your ears (that is, stopping the pressure you feel on your ears when you drive up a mountain or fly in a plane).
  • Did you know there is a A New Treatment for Sudden Hearing Loss?
  • Dizziness - Prevention and Treatment
  • Cerumen Removal - Current Challenges. Those users with access to Medscape can see DR Grossan's latest medical journal article. (The URL is
  • The Throat and Voice

  • About Sore Throats
  • Laryngitis (Hoarseness)
  • Are you bothered by breath problems ? (Halitosis)
  • Vocal Survival Techniques For Singers Who Abuse And Overuse Their Voices by Rosalie Loeding, Professional Voice Teacher.
  • Vocal Survival Techniques: Gastroesophegeal Reflux. Singers, Actors, and Speakers: Take a look at Rosalie Loeding's next article in the excellent series, "Vocal Survival Techniques."
  • Miscellaneous

  • What you can do to stop antibiotic overuse
  • Hear Dr. Grossan's Exclusive Webcast Interview Dr. Grossan was interviewed Sept 13, 2003 on "What's New In Ear, Nose, and Throat", Interview by Jacqueline Marcell, host of the internet radio show Coping with Caregiving, author of Elder Rage (or How to Survive Caring for Aging Parents).
  • Medical professionals interested in the course on mucociliary clearance given at the Sept. 2000 Academy of Otolaryngology click here.
  • Avoid Smoke Inhalation due to all those western fires (especially if you are asthmatic!)
  • Breakfast in Bed: Miracle Allergy Cure?
  • A Proven Method for Reducing Stress - not just for executives; stress is a factor in many health problems.
  • Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria, and what you can do about it. Drug-free approaches to sinus and throat health.
  • Dr. Grossan's 10 Step Method for Relief of Problems with the Temperomandibular Joint (TMJ or the joint of the jaw).
  • Ear, nose, and throat health and treatment for children by Dr. Nina Shapiro of UCLA.
  • Headaches and Preventative Measures
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Temperomandibular Joint (TMJ) Problems (This is the "hinge" of your jaw bones.)
  • Cervical (neck) Pain
  • Relaxation exercises - not just for vacations!
  • Try healing by guided visualization - take a trip to The Healing Place.
  • Biofeedback for Asthmatic Children
  • Dr. Grossan was interviewed on KABC-TV on June 26 about snoring & pulsatile irigation. (Text transcript available on KABC site.)

    How can I get safe and effective drugless sinus relief by pulsatile nasal irrigation?

    How can I get safe and effective drugless throat relief by pulsatile throat irrigation?

    Allergies - I have had every treatment, taken every drug, and nothing works; now what do I do?



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    Dr. Grossan, The On-line ENT Consultant

    Advice on Ear, Nose, and Throat problems by Dr. Grossan , a specialist in this field, and in Diving Medicine. All discussions given here are very generalized. Always consult your own doctor regarding specific treatments.


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    All material on this site, except where explicitly stated otherwise, is copyright Dr. Murray Grossan 1996-2010

    Murray Grossan M.D.
    Board Certified Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
    8631 W. 3rd Street Suite 440 E
    Cedars Sinai Hospital Medical Towers
    Los Angeles, Ca 90048
    (310) 659 1006 fax (310) 652 9906

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