Dr. Grossan's Ear, Nose and Throat Consultant Pages
You can find information about allergy products, such as reviews, and a Q & A by Dr. Grossan, at www.allergybuyersclub.com .
Dr Tichenor has a nice web page on sinus problems that is recommended by Dr. Grossan.
There is a link site for ear, and throat pamphlets by The American Academy of Otolaryngology.
The UK site www.hayfeverexpert.co.uk is very informative about all things hayfever, with extensive Q&A, articles, and even videos.
For information on biofeedback, point your browser to the Association of Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback.
The American Tinnitus Organization is a non-profit group that sponsors education and research in Tinnitus. Dr. Grossan recommends that interested persons join.
Additional information on tinnitus may be found at Tony Freedom's Tinnitus Page which details new research in tinnitus.
How can someone stop snoring? Click here to explore the causes of snoring, the available solutions, and when it’s time to talk to a health provider about chronic or severe snoring.
The complete text of Healing Asthma Naturally by Dayal Mirchadani, MD is available here.
The Cystic Fibrosis Resource Centre is a good site in the UK in support of CF (Cystic Fibrosis) Patients.There is a CF computer game for kids designed to encourage them to take their supplements. Did you know that CF sufferers NEED a high-fat diet? If you join their mailing lists, they promise never to spam you or sell your name.
If you're looking for information on asthma, you can start with this good list of asthma links.
Is the site you're looking at nothing but quackery? Find out, at Quackwatch.
In the Drugs and Diving Database, DR Campbell lists the various drugs that people take and how they may affect you while SCUBA diving. An important contribution to the body of on-line SCUBA knowledge.
Dr. Spieler's Dental Zone is a site with good information and frequently asked questions about caring for your teeth. The doctor will also answer your questions by e-mail, and offers a newsletter by subscription or on-line.
Before going on an overseas journey, check with Traveler's Medical for health information and what to pack in your travel kit, especially for diving trips.
Many links to all sorts of SCUBA diving resources are available from SCUBADUBA.
A good source for health links for senior
citizens can be found at The Age of Reason
VEDA is a nonprofit organization that provides information and support to people with dizziness, vertigo, imbalance, and other symptoms of inner ear problems.
The Fitness Partner Connection Jumpsite - Dr. Grossan recommends that all his patients exercise regularly.
Unfortunately, everyone some day may need help in overcoming grief or personal loss. Dr. Grossan recommends www.webhealing.com for such a day. This is a very fine public service.
Simple Exercises for Seniors: http://www.medicalalertadvice.com/resources/simple-exercises-for-seniors.html